
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Griffin's First Report Card

Griff got his first "Infant Progress Report" from school this week.  Oh man!  It's basically a 4 page long checklist of actions and the expected developmentally appropriate ages for each action (ie. "8 months - Smiles at mirror image", or "15 months- Imitates actions on toys"), along with his teacher's comments. Griff scored "yes" for every item, minus the one the teachers had not observed, (I'm so proud, the kid deserves a gold star), and the following were the comments by category from his teacher Miss Jackie: (I find these quite amusing.)

Cognitive: "Griffin enjoys looking at picture books and really concentrates on the pictures!  He also plays peek-a-boo w/ teachers and friends.  Griffin learns new concepts quickly.  For example, when to clap when we sing 'if you're happy and you know it.'"

Social/Emotional: "Griffin enjoys participating in fun games and songs.  He sings and dances and tries to get others involved.  He does a super job playing catch too!"

Gross Motor: "Griffin is progressing nicely, walking on his own.  He is able to climb on the structure and push the cars around."

Fine Motor: "Griffin is able to feed himself with a fork and spoon :). He likes doing projects that involve gluing.  He always claps to show he is proud of himself." 

Language: Receptive and Expressive: "Griffin does an excellent job indicating what he wants whether it's using words or pointing to it.  He lets us know his likes and dislikes.  He is starting to repeat some words."

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