
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shit Happens (Happened)

We had a new first yesterday:  In the middle of trying to multitask (unsuccessfully), I took Griff's diaper overly soggy diaper off and let him run around inside.  (He had been playing in his baby pool, so his diaper was drooping so far down between his legs that you couldn't help but feel bad for the 2 little velcro straps holding on for dear life...)  I had my hands tied with dishes, filling ice cube trays with chicken noodle soup, and cutting up tomatoes for a pasta salad, when I glanced behind me and saw new puddle on the dining room floor I had just cleaned up.  Of course.  In the not even 2 minutes I let Griff run free, he peed on the floor.  The warm puddle barely phased me, but to add to the fun while I was cleaning that up, I found what I thought was a little piece of "meatball" (a thumb nail sized cut up piece of Jones all natural honey maple sausage link, the new form of protein that Griff will actually tolerate)... As you may have guessed, it was NOT a "meatball", though maybe it could have been at one point in time... What was even more funny/nasty, I found a surprise ball of poop (dry/hard, not runny thank God) on the 6 inch wide strip of hardwood floor in the living room, spaced perfectly between our rug and Griff's foam play mat.  Instead of laughing at the situation and taking pictures for the blog as per my usual process, I had a little too much going on, and I panicked and screamed "Tooooommmmmm!!!!!!", so sorry there are no pictures! :)

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