
Sunday, October 9, 2011

"See Penguins and Sharks"

Griffin and I made it to the Aquarium yesterday for exactly an hour before Griff had a major meltdown over me not allowing him to dump a bucket of fish puzzle pieces (and not cleaning them up) in the kiddie play area as I already cleaned them up 3 times... He was literally on the floor screaming/crying/rolling around/making a scene.  I was about 10% embarassed and about 90% entertained by the situation. 

Up until the meltdown, we had a great time.  We saw sea lions, stingrays (i touched a stingray!), sharks, penguins, a goosefish, jelly fish, anemones, a huge lobster, starfish, and lots of fish. Adventures to places like the aquarium are becoming extremely fun, as Griff gets excited to walk around and explore, and he can talk about the animals he sees (he talked about the penguins and sharks all the way home).  That said, it's also becoming difficult to take him places, as Griffin wants so badly to be independent.  He refuses to hold my hand when we walk; he physically protests by becoming totally limp and sitting down wherever we are to avoid holding my hand... it's quite clever, actually.

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