
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's Mom writing... so I've completely lost my cool (aka screamed at Griffin, threatened to "put Cubby in the cabinet", made him sit in time-out while he hysterically cried etc).  It's been twice now in the past 2 evenings- behaviors like purposely splashing water all of the bathroom wall while washing his hands, and not cooperating/faking a melt down when it's time to get out of the bath.  He's been acting his age, not listening and purposely pushing my under-caffeinated and very tempermental buttons... However, this morning after waking up on the right side of his crib, my 38 lb angel, sat on the potty (his pull-up was dry from the night- bonus!) and while peeing said, "Mom, I'm very sorry I wasn't a good boy yesterday, and I'm sorry I was whiny.  I'll try to be better today, ok?"  OMG (which Uncle Jim and I taught him means "oh my Griffin"), melt my heart, my sweet, sweet boy, I love you so much.  His apology was totally unprompted, but so genuine and heartfelt, a true first.

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