
Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 For the Price of 1

Today I got the opportunity to experience life as a mom of 2. The JCC was closed today, so Fiona, our adorable 1 year old neighbor came over to play for the day. I made it through the day and managed to keep both babies alive. Both babies were total champs! We even ventured out of the house to music class, and at one point by some miracle, I actually had both babies asleep at the same time (granted, it was only for 20 minutes, but still it was quite the achievement...) The experience made me believe (or tricked me into thinking) that having 2 babies (eventually) will be very doable, assuming our second kid isn't a complete "colicky" nut case. Also, there is a HUGE difference between having a girl and a boy. Granted, Fi is 4 months older than Griff, but she actually sits still to read a book for more than 15 seconds, doesn't immediately roll onto her stomach to play with any toy in sight during a diaper change, and she can actually finger paint without just trying to rip/eat the paper. Griffin just never stops! This is a total generalization based on my single experience babysitting a girl, but girls do seem easier than boys (as babies)... Hopefully we have "Charlotte" next. Am I crazy? What am I doing already talking about having more babies.. silly Vicki!

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