
Saturday, January 8, 2011

A First: Squeeky Clean Teeth

Griffin's newest activity has been learning to brush his teeth (Griff's dentist, aka Grandpa Victor would be very proud!).  We started out with one of those rubbery gum brushes you wear on your finger, which I only managed to use a handful (ha, pun intended) of times before I gave up due to the various Griffin sized bite marks I was acquiring on my index finger.  So I upgraded Griff to his very first toothbrush- an Oral-B lime green baby brush with a picture of a cartoon giraffe with 2 big crooked front teeth on it.  Griffin quickly caught on to whole "brushing" thing- and by the term "brushing" I mean, Griffin eagerly snatches the toothbrush from my hand, maybe skims the bristles along the surface of like 3 of his teeth, and he makes an "eehhhhhhhhhh" noise with his mouth open to mimic the vibration sound of my Sonicare electronic toothbrush.  It's hilarious.

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